Revolution in Pain Management

Ozonucleolysis, or Ozone Therapy for herniated disk, is a non-surgical treatment that offers a revolutionary alternative to disc herniation. Ozone (O3) is an extremely beneficial molecule that is injected into the affected intervertebral disc. Local anesthesia is used with intravenous sedation and intravenous sedation. This ensures that Ozone is properly placed in the middle of the affected disc.

This treatment has been used by thousands of people all over the world. Over 86% of patients who received Ozone therapy for disc prolapse (also known as slipped disc) experienced relief. This procedure can be done without requiring a major open surgery on the spine.

Ozone therapy can be used to treat disc prolapse (also known as slipped disc) in multiple ways.


  • Direct effect
    • Disc has 80% water, which is found in its core protein (cartilage & collab) and other building blocks.
      Ozone dissolves quickly in disc water when injected into the disc. Ozone causes disc prolapse and a net decrease in disc pressure.
  • Cell-mediated anti-inflammatory response
    • Ozone can reduce the pain-causing substances produced by a damaged or diseased disc Services Anesthesia.
    • It activates the production of an antioxidant enzyme system, which works on damaged tissues that have been exposed to oxygen long-term injury.
    • Release of chemicals that counter inflammation and indirectly relieve pain
  • Local anesthetic effects:
    • The injection of ozone and the subsequent injection of needle stimulates the release of pain relieving chemicals such as naturally occurring endorphins.


Ozone therapy is a non-invasive treatment for back pain, specifically herniated disc. It has excellent results and does not have major complications. People with a herniated disc can now safely leave the hospital and have their pain relieved by Ozone therapy.

Back pain is a common problem in the United States. Nearly 62 percent of Americans suffer from back pain. Each year, nearly 520000 back injuries are reported.

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